SmugMug Best Practices

Smaller images load faster. Learn how to get them.

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Last reviewed: May 24, 2022


The UB Photo Database is a great resource for website and social media use. Smaller images load faster--follow these instructions to download appropriate images for your use.

How to download SmugMug photos at a resolution suited for digital use

At any point, you can right-click and 'Save image as' to download a copy. But this does not provide any control over the image proportions (resolution), which is very important.

The following steps allow you to download an image at the desired resolution.

Step one: Click the Share icon. This is located in two locations.

  • When viewing a gallery, the Share icon is below the image, in the lower right corner. (An identical icon in the upper right is used to share the entire gallery!)
screenshot of a sample image.
  • When viewing an individual image, the Share icon is located to the left of the image, near the top left corner.
screenshot of a sample image.

Step two: Click the Embed tab. In the drop-down menu labeled 'Choose a size,' select a specific resolution.

Step three: Click 'Copy JPEG URL.'

screenshot of a sample image.

Step four: Paste the copied URL into your browser location bar and press Enter.

screenshot of a sample image.

Step five: When the image loads, right-click the image and select 'Save image as...” to download the image onto your computer.

screenshot of a sample image.

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